Sunday, January 6, 2008

Weekend knitting marathon

Ok, so I didn't make all of my goals, but I consider my weekend a success. On Friday, I finished the cat bed by the end of The Price is Right, and James loves it.. I put it in the closet for him. Then I finished the octopus from Knit 1 magazine. I saved my favorite for last: the multidirectional scarf, which I didn't finish until Saturday at like noon. My mom wants it. Sorry, mom. I hardcore worked on the 2 socks on 2 circs while visiting my grandparents, and turned the heel into the wee hours of Sunday morning. Then I finished the instep decreases by Sunday afternoon while watching I Love Lucy. I was happy how far I got and stopped to work on Knitty's Monkey socks. So, I was a sock knitter this weekend like I planned to be, but I didn't finish either. However, I'm happy how far I got and am going to start two new Knitty projects tomorrow: Coachella (for which I bought some Plymouth cotton yarn on Saturday at Knit and Stitch = Bliss in Bethesda) and Breeze, a reversible cable drop stitch shawl. I practiced the reversible cables--how cool is this?On Friday I got two things in the mail that will probably eat up substantial knitting time in the near future:


happy knitting!

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