Sunday, December 30, 2007

Knitting with Alison Day

Today, Ali (my best friend) and I spent some time knitting at Starbucks. She is a new knitter and I had her start with a k2p2 scarf. I was working on my Coronet from Knitty.

This was my first time doing kitchener stitch, and it turned out horribly, perhaps due to the fact that it wasn't stockinette. I'll try it again on my next socks.

Also, I finally made my duct tape dress form! It was so fun, except the part when we had to go to Giant to get more tape. At least I had my wool trench coat to wear over it.

It turned out great. All I need to do is stuff it and figure out a way to stand it up. Here is the tutorial video we followed:

Happy knitting!

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