We began the night at Heidi's house. On the way over I saw a disadvantage of our precious American capitalism. A homeless man "feasting" on fried chicken and mouthwash (a more efficient, less costly, and extremely unhealthy way to get plastered), while filling out his lottery cards. I almost cried. The fact that he was drinking mouthwash really hit me. At the same time, he was full of hope: he was playing the lottery. My mom sees it as "for people who are bad at math". I see it as a tax on poor people. Either way... I felt like calling this former classmate of mine, who during introductions in our first class, stated that he wants to end homelessness. At the time I saw it as idealistic, but after experiencing his intelligence and passion, I now see his dream as optimistic. Anyway, back to craftnite....
Vara came over to see Heidi's apartment and discuss the possibility of getting a 3 bedroom. Being in apartment-hunting-mode I noticed this sign:

Only 1 bedroom? No bathroom? Kitchen? weird...
I brought over this Heidi-inspired refashioned tee to finish on her (awesome) sewing machine and get some tips from her.

We had a new face at Amy's: Lorraine. We just decided to knit/crochet, rather than do a project.

Oh, and drink some tea too.

This is Lorraine's blanket. She crochets super fast. Like a machine, that one. She started this blanket that night!

I was working on this contract crochet vest that Amy designed. It's gonna look great.

Heidi finished her Anthropologie-inspired caplet-turned-t-shirt.

I entitle this picture, "oooooo, how I love it so."

I love it so too--I started my own.

Heidi's second inspiration for me for the day. More to come, I'm sure.
Happy knitting.
Wooo! You started one!!! I'm telling you, once you go Raglan, you'll never go back...
PS. Way to use the PG version of the "Amy's house is cold and my nipples are showing through this awesome sweater" caption?
You youth people have so much fun at craft night...makes me wish I wasn't 50+...I guess it goes past my bedtime...but I luv reading about it, just the same!
Thanks so much for your MSWF blog post!
I missed MSWF this year (I seem to make it every other year for some reason), and thanks to your post I got to have a visit around anyway!
Super pictures!
(gr8aunt on Rav)
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