Lorraine and I just crocheted. Here she looked like an old lady crocheting while rocking in the rocking chair.

Then Friday was graduation. The day started out rainy. I should have seen this as an omen.
We skipped out on the actual graduation, which took place in Baltimore right near the school and included the entire university. They said it would only take 2 hours, but we decided that traffic in and out would be horrible. It was bad enough just getting out of the first ceremony, and there were only 400 student graduating. This would be thousands, and in a city during rush hour. I'll just have them mail me my diploma. They have to give it to me. It cost me a lot of money and time!
So we trekked back to Silver Spring to eat at the Macaroni Grille.
Just as we were leaving, I got a message that changed the rest of my weekend. It was Vara. There was a problem with our application for the apartment. All day I was thinking that Saturday would be moving day and how excited I was. At this point I thought, I knew it was too good to be true. Our application was started by someone who left for vacation days later and then taken up by a new guy who didn't know that they first guy was on vacation. Hence, the application was temporarily lost, and then when they finally did find it on Wednesday they just then began processing it. Then on Friday hours before the close of business they discover a problem. When we finally reach them again, we find that he just left for the day, and the receptionist is about to blow Vara's head off for calling when she doesn't know anything and can't help us. What she did know is that we cannot move in on Saturday. I was so confused; I wanted to figure this out for myself.
Me and my alcohol-drenched blood went down to the leasing office. I'd wished I hadn't had so much Chardonnay. But the logical part of me knew that I had to resolve this, and the fact that I was plastered was extremely inconvenient. When we got in the office and were waiting to be seen, I downed a cup of coffee, which, despite the fact that it's a myth, sobered me up a little, even if only psychologically. At that point I'd take what I could get. The woman was really nice and stayed late to investigate (hey, that rhymes). She found out that there was a problem with one of our credit reports. I don't want to put my friends' business out there, but I'll just say that it involved the existence of an unknown credit card. We had to wait until Monday for the woman to speak with the man behind the curtain.
So that's what I've been doing ever since. Not moving. Not putting furniture together in my new apartment. Not hanging up pictures or organizing kitchen stuff. I've been waiting until Monday. Vara came over that night because we both needed a distraction.
On Saturday I woke up and decided not to have a pity-filled day. It was beautiful outside and I would rather be there than inside a stuffy apartment looking at my unmoved boxes.
I saw kids playing in the fountain,
Then I got a call from Ali. She had to go to College Park to drop something off for her sister and knew I needed cheering up, so she asked if I wanted to go to Ikea. I told her that no one ever needs to ask me that, just say, "drop everything, we are going to Ikea."
We had a bit of nostalgia on the UMCP campus. Ali and I lived in the dorm right next to her sister's.
Here is the Gymkana gym, our second home for three years.
Then the day ended with a little bowlarama at Strike Bethesda. I did surprisingly well, except for the time that I let go of the bowling ball as I was swinging it back, just like what happens in the movies. I couldn't stop cracking up, unlike the woman it flew towards.
So now it's Sunday. I'm going to spend the day contiuing to pack and clean so I don't get charged (you should see this list of...If you don't clean this we will charge you...), while doing mock interview situations in my head. I have one tomorrow with the CEO of a psych hospital. eek!
I think it's gonna rain.
Hopefully next time I post I will be about 200 feet away in my new apartment. We'll see.
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