Ok, so I've been away for a while and have felt really guilty about not posting recently, like you guys are on the edge of your seats or something. Well, I've been busy doing a lot of moving and unpacking, and not a lot of knitting or computering. My OCD is urging me to document my time spent since I last posted on the 18th with as much detail as I usually post, but my sanity might win this one. Here is my week in pictures and brief commentary.
I packed for a week

whilst attending the usual knitting group and craftnite,

and spent time at the House of Houck helping Amy organize pre-move to Alaska

(whilst doing yoga. Apparently, I do
forward fold without thinking about it).

Amy got an arm tattoo.

SIKE! It's a tattoo sleeve.
I saw this bumper sticker and thought, "oh,
yarn over" Alas, it was actually
Youngstown, Ohio. poopie.

Then Friday night before the move we had a painting party. Wasn't a whole lot of fun at the end, but we got it done. It literally took 2 hours to get the paint mixed at the hardware store. They do it by hand at this one. Next time I'll go to Home Depot.
Heidi had the good idea to paint a chair rail by putting tape one yard stick's length up the wall. Then you paint one color below the tape and one above. You'll have a white stripe in between where the paint lay. I copied but with thicker tape.

Tommy stopped by.

Vara was a virgin wall painter. She did a really good job.

Lilac and chocolate. In the wrong light, it looks like neapolitan ice cream.

We were re-energized by pizza late into the night.

So the whole next day was spent moving, which was a bitch, and I also had no time for or access to picture-taking. I'm actually trying to block the day from my memory. I swear I'm gonna sell a bunch of shit before moving again.
That night we drank it up. First at this thai place in downtown silver spring. I had never had thai before. it was delish. We thought this'd make a good pic.

Then we stopped by the Q-H. It was me, Heidi, her awesomely fun friends Sean and Kelsey, who are also artsy peeps,

and Tommy and his friend Dan.

Then the following week was spent unpacking (which I'm still doing), going to

where I bought these cookies for craft nite, among (lots of) other stuff, going to knitting and craftnite

and going to my new work for a physical. Oh did I mention that I got a job? It's at a residential treatment center in Rockville, MD, working on an adolescent boys unit; I'll do family, individual, and group therapy, assessments, and other social-worky things.
The rest of the week I schmucked around unpacking and finally knitting again. Today we did a mall trip and then decided to go get a manicure and pedicure. We found an inexpensive place that is right across the street. They were really good. They scrubbed our feet

and it tickled a little.

My lady was really funny. She spoke no english and I think she had never used a digital camera because she picked mine up off the counter and made a face that was a combination of awe and confusion. She decided to try to take a picture.

This is her.

The other girls got their eyebrows waxed too. Ouch. I need to do mine too soon. This pic was followed by "I can't believe you're taking a pic of this."

We came home and made sangria

and a scrumptious dinner of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and creamed spinach; all from scratch.

And that brings us to right now. (When I was a kid my mom would tell me the story of what we did that day as a bedtime story. She would always end with, "and that brings us to right now" or something like that, and I would always giggle).
Right now we are sitting eating cookies and watching Something About Mary. I'm blogging, Heidi's crocheting, and Vara is relaxing from a long day of mall walking and stuff. Now I'm off to shut down my comp and knit.
Bonne nuit!
wow... I'm tired just reading about your move! So glad it's done!
I like to think of myself as more "magically delicious", but "awesomely fun" will also work.
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