So this weekend I was seemingly embedded in color. On Saturday I went to Red Lobster with my mom and brother and shot some pics of the interactive fountain in downtown Silver Spring:

And the stairs:

Oh and here's a pic from Petsmart of a giant dog and a teeny dog getting haircuts right next to each other. I just thought it was funny.

Then Ali and I went to McGinty's for 80s night. So fun.

On Sunday I went to the Homespun Yarn Party at the Takoma Park Rec Center. On the way over I saw some great houses with pretty gardening:

And here is the yarn party. It was soooooo busy at first. This is later in the afternoon:

Here is Amy's booth. She was selling some patterns.

This was the tri-merchant
Sanguine Gryphon/
Dragonfly Fiber Designs booth. They were right next to Amy's booth. Here are some Sanguine Gryphon yarns.

I really wanted to take a pic of Loop's roving, especially the ones with sparkles, but I think she sold them all before I got my camera to them.
Here are some rovings from

My favorite were the kits with roving, a drop spindle, and directions. I really wanna learn to spin, and this kit seemed perfect for me. Alas, I had no time...
These were some sock yarns from
Crash Into Ewe:

This was one of my favorites,
Storm Moon Knits:

Such vibrant colors! I spent tiiiiime at this booth. And what I also loved is that the same colorways were available in each weight.
MOM - if you are reading this, stop here!
Here are my purchases:

I went a little ummm...overboard. But I did get a lot of great yarns. In that I decided before entering that I would only buy ONE skein, I realized later the reason why people bring only cash to yarn festivals. This was like a mini Maryland Sheep and Wool for me. I realized my weaknesses when seeing awesome yarn!
So in sum, here are my purchases (see my Ravelry page for the colorways):
At Storm Moon Knits I got 1 bulky and 2 sock weights. I just had to get the one with this neon yellow color.

At Dragonfly fiber designs I didn't do much thinking. I bought on impulse. But I am still super happy with my results: One bulky, one lace, and one awesome neon sock weight. I decided to make Amy's crocheted shawl pattern with this red lacewieght in the middle, for my mom for mother's day. We figured out that I can make 4 of the shawls out of the one skein!

I was "done" at this point when I called Heidi to inform her of all the green yarns here. She was returning from Florida this day and wasn't able to attend. I asked her if I could pick her up anything and she gave me a budget and said, "surprise me." I was in HEAVEN! I got her some Storm Moon Knits because she also loves vibrant vibrant color, and then Amy suggested that I go over to
Spirit Trail Fiberworks. I thought I had seen everything until I went over to that booth! It must have been hidden by a wall of people before, which is probable after seeing her yarns. While picking up a skein for Heidi, I also got myself two more:

I also picked up some patterns from
Amy and a signed
KnitSpeak book by Andrea Berman Price. I'm gonna use it to teach knitting to others. We talked about how often it's good to have multiple ways to explain a technique on hand since everyone learns differently. Also, she'll be posting a free pattern on the above website for a felted bag in which the book fits perfectly. Good stuff.
So overall it was a good day, good people, good yarn, lots of colors!
Happy Knitting!
wow! you came away some amazing things! it was such a fun day ;)
What great purchases! Can't wait to see what you knit up.
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