Craft nite was really fun last night. Right before, Heidi texted me to ask whether I wanted to stop at A Tangled Skein beforehand. uh, YES. I never pass on a trip to a yarn shop. I was good, however...I didn't buy anything! Heidi, on the other hand, well....

she dropped some dough, yo!
We still got there early and guiltily let ourselves in while Amy was putting Jay to bed. Heidi made this awesome salad with tomatoes, fresh basil, mozzerella balls, and homemade vinagrette. It was great. It went well with my chardonnay.

I heart basil. And then like clockwork, we all picked up our yarn and either a hook or some needles and got to business. Tanya started (and eventually finished) a revealing crocheted hoodie for her daughter's webkins cat.

Heidi started on a scarf for her boss with her new beautiful squishy yarn (I think Sublime, an awesome yet inexpensive merino/cashmere/silk blend).

Ester (who Amy was teaching to crochet) continued on her crochet chain that had been as long as her apartment and then learned a stitch or two.

Amy also taught Lisa to crochet that night, first sans needle. Don't ask me how.

Amy said something about some contest and then a whole bunch of tipsy shrieking and a run to the basement later we were on the floor with these magnetic words. We were starting the Interweave Knitting Daily's March contest for which you take their fiber magnetized poetry set and make a poem (March is poetry month). The winner gets a set of handmade custom mittens with their poem on it, and it will also be made into a pattern on Knitting Daily's website.

Then we looked up and saw how fast Heidi had progressed on her scarf. Damn girl! She knits fast. I love to watch her hands knit. It's like opening up a sewing machine and watching all the parts move around and just make something, so fast and exact.

Very stretchy.
Then as the night dwindled down, I stopped on my fairisle tacky-chic tea cozy and started on my first contract project! Amy needed a scarf made for a design she's working on. I can't show a picture yet, needless to say.
I hope to not blog as infrequent as I am doing so now, but I
have just started school again. Plus, having like nine projects going, I like to spend as much time as possible knitting, which is why we're all here in the first place, right?
Happy Knitting!
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